I don't really believe in "New Year's Resolutions" all that much. I think people have good intentions as they start out the new year, but somehow the "resolution" tag just allows all those good intentions to fall between the cracks of every day life, because after all, resolutions were made to be broken anyway.
That being said, I think that setting goals for yourself in the New Year is a great idea. It gives you a challenge for yourself ... room to grow and be more of the person that you could be. I have financial goals for for myself and the family for the year, and that sort of thing. But the goals that I want to work on the hardest are the personal ones. And when I stop to think about it, so many of them revolve around me and my children. I suppose, since I'm a Mommy, that's only natural. The more I thought about it, though, the more I realized that in many ways, my goal is to become more LIKE my children this year. Yes, I have to be the Mommy, and the "responsible-grown-up-person" in the equation, but sometimes I think that part of growing as a person is learning that you can re-visit the child you once were without fear or embarrassment.
This then is a list of some of my goals for the New Year ... the things that I have picked up on with my children. There are so many more things I could list, but this is a good place to start:
I want to wake up each morning with a smile on my face.
I want to give generously of my hugs and kisses.
I want to dance when I like the music.
I want to sing when I feel like it, even if the words don't make sense.
I want to stop and investigate when I'm curious.
I want to be glad when I can help.
I want to feel deeply, and forgive quickly.
I want to jump up and down when I'm excited.
I want to always be glad that it's "church day".
I want to laugh loudly at jokes, even if (or especially if) they're goofy.
I want my sibling to be one of my best friends.
I want to take joy in simple things.
May you all have a "childish" New Year!
Sounds like a good list. I like it.