You know, as a Mommy, I’ve seen my share of tears from my kids. Tears of frustration, tears for hurt feelings and hurt body parts, tears that are all for show, because they aren’t getting what they want. Every once in a while, though, the power of their tears takes me by surprise.
Yes, I’m the typical Mommy (or at least I think I am). I know when their tears are just indicators of a tantrum. I know that for some hurts, Mommy kisses will dry them almost immediately, and they’ll get back to what they are doing. I also know that sometimes, when the hurts are genuine and painful, like splits to the head or knees or whatever else, sometimes it takes more cuddling and kisses than the typical bumps and bruises. Once in a while, though … once in a very great while, they nearly cause tears in Mommy as well.
I had that experience several months ago with my middle son. He is, at four, sometimes still very much in his “terrible twos.” Tantrums and meltdowns are commonplace in his world, and so I’m greatly accustomed to his loud angry wails about one thing or another. That is why this particular day was so unique. I was chastising him, yet again, about something that he was doing that he had been told time and again NOT to do. I left the room for a moment, and when I returned he was standing where I had left him, making not a sound, but with tears streaming silently down his face. It made my heart lurch. He never cries quietly, and because I work really hard to choose my words carefully with my children, I knew I hadn’t said anything that should have been particularly hurtful. We sat and talked for a few minutes, shared a hug, and then he went on his way. But somehow the memory of those silent tears catches me off guard even now. I never knew why they came or why they went, but they certainly touched my heart.